Saturday, December 29, 2018

Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

HATHA is a combination of two letters HA and THA, HA signifies the moon and THA signify the sun, it has been explained in HATHA yoga that sun represents prana (the life force) and the moon represents the mind (the mental energy). So HATHA yoga means the unification of pranic and mental forces, this is the arising of higher consciousness.

HATHA yogi reshapes there body, through HATHA, mean a person who is dogged about yoga they will only the HATHA yogi. They control their mind and Life by HATHA Yoga. Reshape means tenacity to reshape the body to the inner way the whole system in a very fundamental way takes a certain level of tenacity. We can do a type of yoga, so that able to take a part of memory in our system, there is yoga so identify that memory and activate that memory to the maximum that will not be the only one but that will more. So yogic system looked at it this way or another way generally, the system follows HATHA YOGA.

Health Benefits of Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga improve your health day by day that makes you more healthy, it will Build immunity, Relaxes the mind and releases tension, Tones the spine, Increases flexibility, Healthy Heart, Clear and Shiny Skin, Lubricates the Joints, Enhance Quality of Prana, Increased blood flow, Improved lung health all are health benefits for HATHA yogi.


Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations)

Surya Namaskar has a set of 12 poses, ( Pranamasana, Hastauttanasana, Hasta Padasana, Ashwa Sanchalanasana, Dandasana, Ashtanga Namaskara, Bhujangasana, Parvatasana, Ashwa Sanchalanasana, Hasta Padasana, Hastauttanasana, Pranama asana ).traditionally it would perform in the morning time to greet the whole day. If you do Surya Namaskar for 30 minutes you will burn 417 calories.

Svastikasana (Auspicious Pose) 

In Sanskrit swastikasana, the word “Swastika” is translated as “prosperous” or “prosperous”. Svastikasana is a common pose for meditation.

Gomukhasana (Cow Pose)

This asana name is meant from the Sanskrit word 'GO' mean cow and 'Mukha' mean face and 'Asana' mean pose. When you pose than its look like a cow face.

Virasana (Hero or Heroine Pose)

Virasana alleviates fatigue in the legs and brings balance to the feet, who have a variety of knee injuries and undiagnosed knee pain, this will be beneficial for them.

Kurmasana Tortoise Pose

Kurmasana gives a good stretch the spine, organs in the abdomen, those suffering from diabetes, constipation and belly fat, removed pain in the back and neck, relieve from headaches.

Kukkutasana {Cock or Rooster Pose}

It stretches your Arms, spine and strengthens your shoulders, Elbows, and wrists, chest broader, legs. This asana develops balance and strength, concentration level, Beneficial in menstrual discomfort and hip pain.

Uttankurmasana (Inverted Tortoise)

In Sanskrit, the word ‘Kurma’ is known as ‘Tortoise’. Thus this asana is also known as the ‘Upside-Down Tortoise Posture’ as per the layout or positioning.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Dhanurasana beneficial for stretches the entire front of the body, ankles, thighs and groins, abdomen and chest, and throat, and deep hip flexors, back muscles, abdomen, and neck.

Matsyasana (fish pose)

The stretched upper body allows unrestricted airflow, thus providing extra oxygen into the lungs. It expands the bronchial tubes to permit easier breathing. This is especially useful for asthma patients.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Meditation Teacher Training Certification Course In Rishikesh

Meditation Teacher Training Certification Course In Rishikesh, India

What is meditation, how to do it

Meditation referring to Dhyana, meditation is not something you can do, because you can become meditative, you never do meditation it’s a certain quality if this has to blossom within you. Mediation has blossomed within you if you cultivate your body, mind, emotion, and energy to the certain level of consideration meditation is blossom within you. Meditation Teacher Training in India Experience deep silence in you when a mind is looking into the Inner self that is a state of deep silence that is the final stages of meditation, then meditation just happens to you.

Science and Meditation

Thousands of year’s people are practice meditation for spiritual, emotional and physical well-being but from a scientific perspective how meditating effect your body. Does it do anything, it all starts in the brain during meditation, and the brain can see increased activity in regions directly correlated decrease anxiety depression along with increased pain tolerance.

The default mode particularly is activating in mind as rest, not focusing on the outside world, it is found to improve memory, self-awareness, goal setting and care for friends and family.Meditation Teacher Training Certification Course in Rishikesh

Benefits of meditation

When scientist compares the mind of monks to new meditators they found the region of the brain associated with empathy too much pronounce in the monks, it also literally change your brain waves measure these frequencies.
Mediators have a higher level of an alpha wave which can show to reduce feelings negative mood tension sadness and anger. Meditation also physically changes brain shape and size.

Studies found that after eight weeks of meditation program denser area associated with learning memory process and emotional regulation yet the medulla deal with stress, blood pressure, fear had to decrease way matter. Meditation Teacher Training in Rishikesh.

Meditation is not a substitute for other medical advice or healthy lifestyle but much like grow your muscles increasing overall health. Meditation is a way of working your brain with extra health benefits.

Anant yoga is one of the Best Yoga School in Rishikesh India for meditation. This course is affiliated from Yoga Alliance U.S.A.